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ATM and EPOS Cleaning

Your business is unique. Regardless of whether you are a retail store, a distributor, or any other company, you have equipment that needs to be cleaned.

Techmax24 specialises in removing harmful bacteria from workspaces to minimize the spread of infections reduce absenteeism and support the peak performance of equipment. At Techmax24, our team of professional cleaning technicians understand how to clean the equipment. This ensures that ATMs and points of sale are thoroughly cleaned of dust and debris so that they continue to operate properly.

The average cleaning company doesn’t do this, which is why we’re proud to offer ATM and EPOS cleaning services.

There’s peace of mind in what we do. You don’t want an ATM or EPOS going down because it will affect business. Every day, machines break because of being dirty.

Our comprehensive cleaning solutions will allow you to improve work functions. This is because there’s less chance of damage from dirt and thus you minimise downtime by keeping the environment clean. Call us today to find out more about our services.